Remade 2024

Remade 2024 Hero Image

🌻Submissions close Friday 25th October 2024🌻

To all designers and fashionistas ReMade 2024 sustainable wearable art show…you are invited to create for this event.

We hope there are lots of you busy making something fabulous.

Our categories are.
• Waste Coat
• Ode to JOY
• Gala Glam
• Catrina’s
• Larger than Life
• Peace Parade
• Enchanted
• Hobby Horse Hoedown
• Own Choice

All works must incorporate recycling, up cycling, reusing.
This could include donated or op shop pieces, reconstructed, reinvented clothing pieces, modified pre-existing costumes or wearable arts pieces made from anything recycled.

The possibilities are endless.

Get creating!

Conditions of Entry

REMADE 2024 is open to individuals and design teams who either reside in
or have strong connections to Tasmania. The event aims to promote
recycling and sustainability. All entries must include an element of
recycled, reclaimed or up-cycled materials. Entry
for designers and models is free. Entry forms must be received by 
Friday 25th October.
Artists may enter up to three works. All work must be the original work
of the artist & can include reused/repurposed outfits from other projects. 
All entries
should include a very brief description about the artist and each work. This may be used by MC’s at the event.

All works not being modeled by the designer or their designated model
must be clearly labelled and delivered to The Studio, please contact our
Remade page for instructions for drop off.

All entries are exhibited at the owners own risk. Interweave Arts  will
not accept any liability for loss, damage or theft. Interweave Arts
reserves the right to publish images from REMADE 2024 on its website,
social media and other media.

Signing this form constitutes consent to use of images.

PLEASE NOTE: Receipt of completed form constitutes acceptance of conditions of entry.

Artists will be required to complete an entry form below.


Please complete the form below to provide details about your submission. If you have multiple designs which are meant to be shown as a group within one category, only one form is required. Your information is protected through our strict privacy policy.

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